Sunday, May 13, 2012

One Year Anniversary

One year ago today I married my best friend.  I know that sounds so cliche, but it is absolutely true.  In reflecting on this past year, I have never loved as much and simultaneously never been so challenged by someone in my life.  Marriage is interesting in that is so intimate, encouraging, and humbling.  All of your faults are sure to be pointed out in hopes there will be change and growth.  I am so thankful my best friend and I have the same morals and beliefs in that we both encourage each other to grow spiritually in the Lord and practically as functioning human beings living in Los Angeles.  I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for us!


  1. aww congratulations! you look BEAUTIFUL!

  2. What a beautiful wedding! Congrats on the anniversary!


  3. Wow, I love all the photos. Obviously a very special day. Congrats on your anniversary!

  4. You're wedding looked breathlessly beautiful! Thanks for sharing such stunning pictures! Found you from Friday's Letters!


  5. loved your wedding! you looked stunning and had a blast! congrats to a beautiful couple!

  6. Wonderful wedding. I am so happy to see these astonishing pictures. It reminded me of my brother’s wedding at one of Los Angeles wedding venues. It was so amazing and everything was arranged by wedding planner.


I read every single comment! Thanks for sharing. =)
xx, alisia e