Thursday, May 1, 2014

Operation Cool Down

It has been so incredibly HOT in LA this week!  Like many places on the eastside, we do not have a/c and in the evening our house has been "cooling down" to 80 degrees.  All I want to do is go on a simple trip, somewhere by the sea, where I can just relax and take in the cool ocean breeze! Given my current inability to have a getaway, I have relied on post work margaritas to help me feel like I'm on a mini-vacation….salute!

...and Pinterest pictures of fun in the sun to keep me cooled down and somewhat sane.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya sista! It's been scorching here but good thing we've got a bit of the beach breeze sweeping into OC! This collage makes me wish for summer already! Although it sure is FEELING like it! Happy Weekend babe and Thanks for the blog visit, hope to see you back soon!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog


I read every single comment! Thanks for sharing. =)
xx, alisia e