Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Kat, You are incredible and I love you as a friend and my photographer
Dear The Dark Knight Rises, Why were you such a GREAT movie?!? I can't stop thinking about you and I saw you on Monday. Much love
Dear Internship, I am learning so much and truly enjoy spending my time with you. Thank you for happening.
Dear Sebastian, You had better start behaving yourself or else your father wants to give you to someone with more patience for naughty little birds.
Dear Work, You kicked my bootie tonight, but thanks for the money $$cha-ching$$
(on that note)
Dear Next Vacation, Wherever and whenever you may be, I assure you, you are already needed and desperately wanted.
Dear Readers, I am so inspired by all of you! Thank you for your sweet comments and I love our interactions--any advice is always welcome! =)
Dear Friends and Family, You have been so encouraging and supportive of everything I am pursuing lately, thanks for that!


  1. Just love this days message.....reminding us all how important everything and everyone in are lives are each day.....Message = Importance of Gratitude......Thank you......=0)

  2. yay for internships. where are you working!? :)
    xo TJ

    1. I am still working 5 days a week at a restaurant, but am interning 3 days a week for two companies-a shoe company and a bridesmaid dress collection line (they share an office) and I am learning web design and more on social media and marketing. i LOVE it!

  3. Dear Alisia,
    You are a walking muse.


  4. haven't seen batman yet, but sounds like i must!

    have a great weekend! come say hello at

  5. my sister said the new batman was super good too! ha, and I love the "thanks for the money!" ;)


  6. I just discovered your blog and I'm so happy I did! This is such a great idea for a post, it's so sweet and makes me realize that I should be a lot more thankful for things. Wonderful blog!


I read every single comment! Thanks for sharing. =)
xx, alisia e