Monday, August 13, 2012

August Challenge: Donate II

Here we are for the second week of the August Challenge to donate.  Last week for me was donating clothes, books, electronics and other items around our home that we no longer need or use.  It took me almost a whole week to pack stuff up, but two large bags and one box full later, things are being dropped off at the Salvation Army today! =)  Okay, so this week's donation for me is money.  Yes, I am challenging myself to be more generous with "what makes the world go 'round."  I live one block from skid row so I am sure I will have more than enough opportunities, but it can be more than that.  Tithing to church, donating to an organization, buying goods at a bake sale or even just inviting friends out and treating them just because; all of these are great ways to be giving with money.  They say "Time is money" so even taking time to help others (friends, family or strangers) in any way would be a great way of giving money if you do not have much to give.

1 comment:

  1. It's admirable that I feel like I'm not in a place to give or I have anything to offer but I look at my closet and cabinets and I come across so many things I haven't touched in months. Thanks for the tip.



I read every single comment! Thanks for sharing. =)
xx, alisia e